Editor's Desk: January 2006
Editor’s Desk, Jan-Feb, 2006
Okay, folks—lighten up, now. I’m sure that when you first saw the cover, you wondered if you had received People or Us by mistake. Or, if we had suddenly “sold out” and decided to join the gossip press, simply in order to increase circulation.the new individualist magazine celebrity ayn rand fans Relax. Our cover is just a lighthearted parody of celebrity magazines, and their breathless headlines about the private lives of the rich and famous. But in this case, the parody is meant to underscore to a serious point: Ayn Rand has become part of the cultural mainstream. When A-list, p.r.-savvy movie stars like “Brangelina,” Rob Lowe, and Jim Carrey are no longer afraid to publicly associate their names with Rand and her ideas, you know that something significant has happened. And they aren’t alone. That’s the phenomenon that this special issue of The New Individualist explores in depth.
Jan 5, 2006

3 min