The most horrendous threats to humanity have simply been too monstrously evil to be believed—at first.

The most horrendous threats to humanity have simply been too monstrously evil to be believed—at first.
America didn’t win World War II solely on the backs of her men and women in uniform. Without the tireless efforts on the home front, there..
Television newscasts over the past week have featured videos of corpses, including the bodies of children, piled in hospitals and morgues
Pope Francis’s Easter message included a prayer to “Help us to overcome the scourge of hunger, aggravated by conflicts and by the immense
On February 15, I participated in a panel called "Ayn Rand versus Jesus" at the International Students for Liberty Conference (ISFLC) in..
It's Friday the 13th this week. Do you think it might be an unlucky day? If so, it's worth considering what else would have to be the case
Twelve years after the attacks on America by Islamist mass murderers, mass murder proceeds apace in the Muslim Middle East. Unfortunately,
R Thomas and Edward Hudgins of The Atlas Society critique the arguments George Will put forth in his recent article " Religion and the...
The military coup in Egypt is a blow to Islamist totalitarians and a slap at their facilitator, Barack Obama. After massive demonstrations
Republican Party self-destruction is on display in Virginia as the E.W. Jackson, the GOP candidate for lieutenant governor, is looking...
Last summer, I noted that a federal judge had allowed a case against Netflix for not captioning all its movies to proceed. Now the Wall...
Francis I, the newly installed Pope, has called on Catholics to protect all humanity, “especially the poorest, the weakest, the least import
Yawn! The world ended again, this time on December 21, 2012, as predicted by the Mayan calendar. Seems few of the actual Mayans in the
October 5, 2012—The Middle East again has erupted with weeks of virulent and violent anti-American and anti-Western protests. Rioters...
With his virtual tie in the Iowa Caucuses, Rick Santorum is the final flavor-of-the-week conservative alternative to former Massachusetts Go
I first met Christopher Hitchens in the early 2000s at the Americans for Tax Reform’s weekly meeting of conservative and limited-government
The first decade of the twenty-first century was defined by Islamists, who used planes as weapons against the World Trade Center and
It’s no secret that Michael Moore hates economic liberty; the theme of his movie Capitalism: A Love Story is that the free market is evil...
March 18, 2005 -- Last week Mukhtar Mai, a Pakistani woman, expressed concern that the four men who gang raped her nearly three years ago