Drugs and Terrorism
February 6, 2002 -- During last Sunday’s Superbowl, the President’s Office of National Drug Control Policy aired the first two commercials of a new ad campaign linking drug use with terrorism. The ads, aimed at teenagers, are meant to capitalize on the kids’ growing sense of political awareness. Their message is simple: If you buy drugs, you might be financing terrorists. But as is often the case, the simple message masks a more complicated reality. The administration acknowledges that teenage potheads aren’t terrorists. But the ad campaign is pretty clear when it comes to what those little tokers are doing: They’re helping to finance terrorism, kill judges, murder families, and torture people.
Sound a little extreme? It is. One television ad, titled “I Helped,” features a series of teenage faces reciting a litany of their crimes: “I helped kill a judge,” “I helped kill policemen,” and, of course, “I helped blow up buildings.”
Mar 16, 2010

3 min