Seventy years ago Ayn Rand, thankful for finding refuge in the United States from the totalitarian Soviet Union, wrote a short essay series

Seventy years ago Ayn Rand, thankful for finding refuge in the United States from the totalitarian Soviet Union, wrote a short essay series
When I was a kid, celebrations of birthdays and other personal milestones were modest. Family, a few friends, a few gifts, fun. But now I
On Memorial Day, Americans honor those who died in their country’s wars. But the key to stopping deaths in wars—and the wars that regimes
I don’t know who determined that May 20 should be “Be a Millionaire Day,” though it is a good idea. I do know that most people’s ideologies
On the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, my high school class traveled to the Mall in D.C. to mark the occasion. Me? I skipped the trip
Space enthusiasts mark April 12th as “Yuri’s Night Out,” a celebration of the first human in space: Yuri Gagarin orbited the Earth in 1961..
Robots are special types of machines. They’re programmed electro-mechanical devices that perform various physical functions, ideally better
Passover—the only Jewish holiday I’ve honored throughout my decades as an atheist —celebrates the mythic liberation of my ancestors from....
A new year is usually a time when we recommit ourselves to making a difference in our own lives, when we reflect on our past achievements...
As we approach the end of the year, I hope all of you are in a holiday mood. I certainly am!
It's Friday the 13th this week. Do you think it might be an unlucky day? If so, it's worth considering what else would have to be the case
This Thanksgiving, take a moment to thank one of the greatest benefactors in your life: the entity who shows you the way so that you don’t
The revelries of the December holiday season inevitably are accompanied by sober inquiries about the “true” meaning of Christmas and, too of
Winter 2011 issue -- Shouldn’t all parents want to raise their kids to think well? But if you ask most parents what that means or how they
The Christmas catalogs start arriving in September, a trickle that becomes a flood by Thanksgiving. They pile up in colorful drifts until it
November 22, 2004 -- If one looks upon Thanksgiving as a harvest festival, then it can also be seen as a celebration of producers. But the..
The holiday season is a time for spiritual reflection, celebration, and frenzied commerce. These activities might seem incompatible. They
Halloween has its origins in superstition, and, sadly, it invokes old and new superstitions still. Halloween, from "All Hallows Eve," was...
December 17, 2004 -- Christmas is a season of beautiful lights, parties, gifts, food, family, friends, songs, and sentiments. Among the
December 10, 2001 -- In 1897, Virginia O'Hanlon wrote to The New York Sun: “I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Sant