كانت أمسية لا تنسى. في 7 ديسمبر 2010 ، في مسرح هدسون التاريخي في مدينة نيويورك ، رعت جمعية أطلس احتفالا
Professor Bainbridge explains the current law on insider trading here , and argues that the staffers could be found in violation of insider
December 2001 -- Greek Ways: How the Greeks Created Western Civilization . By Bruce Thornton. (San Francisco, California: Encounter Books..
January 2002 -- The assault on civilization did not begin with the terrorist attacks of September 11. As Objectivists know, such an assault
January 2002 -- When Victor Hugo was writing his last novel, Ninety-Three, during the years 1872 and 1873, the Naturalist school of fiction
January 2002 -- Reprinted by permission of the publisher. From The Role of Religion in History, by George Walsh (New Brunswick, New Jersey:
لطالما حلم الإصلاحيون السياسيون بطرد الأموال من معبد الديمقراطية. وهم يجادلون بأن مساهمات الحملات الانتخابية من الأفراد الأثرياء وجماعات المصالح تشتري النفوذ - الإعانات الحكومية ، والتخفيف من اللوائح المرهقة ، وتعديلات المصلحة الخاصة على التشريعات - في انتهاك لمبدأ "رجل واحد ، صوت واحد". ويدفع المال أيضا ثمن "إعلانات القضايا" الكاشطة خلال موسم الانتخابات، مما يسمم جو اجتماع المدينة من المناقشة العقلانية التي يحلم بها المثاليون الديمقراطيون.
The oral arguments in the prosecutorial misconduct case Connick v. Thompson , which I referred to here , apparently went well. Louisiana
أيقظت هجمات 11 سبتمبر الإرهابية قدرا ملحوظا من الغضب المناهض للهجرة في أمريكا ، والذي استمر لسنوات عديدة.
Ayn Rand rejects altruism, the view that self-sacrifice is the moral ideal. She argues that the ultimate moral value, for each human individ
The definition you quote for productive achievement accurately states the Objectivist view (though Ayn Rand's wording is slightly different
Objectivism holds that the basis of all law should be individual rights to life, liberty, and property. These rights are commonly called...
عندما كان جورج دبليو بوش رئيسا ، وسيطر الجمهوريون على مجلسي الكونجرس ، تحول بعض الليبراليين اليائسين إلى جورج ...
Objectivism does not hold that happiness is the ultimate goal. It holds that happiness is the ultimate purpose in life.This is an important
Ayn Rand herself smoked, and many Objectivists still do. Objectivism has no particular position on smoking as such. However, I will comment
Before I get into the similarities and differences between Social Darwinism and Objectivism , I should point out that this accusation you...
Objectivity , as Ayn Rand defined and clarified it, is a certain characteristic describing the use of one’s reason and the degree to which
At the time when Ayn Rand wrote most of her non-fiction (the 1960s), half the world’s population was under avowedly Communist or Socialist
To my knowledge, Ayn Rand came somewhat independently to her own views. She may have imbibed Paine second-hand through such Old-Right