وطنFood Trucks Shrug!تعليمجامعة أطلس
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Food Trucks Shrug!

Food Trucks Shrug!

2 دقيقة
May 7, 2013

At Farragut Park and other locations in Washington, D.C., food vendors have their trucks parked as usual at lunch time today but they are not serving the throngs of hungry customers. They are on strike against proposed D.C. regulations that would drive many of them out of business and limit consumer choice. Atlas is shrugging and The Atlas Society’s Edward Hudgins reports!

Food Trucks Shrug! with Edward Hudgins from The Atlas Society on Vimeo .

For further reading:

*Alexander R. Cohen, “ Town's Food Truck Law May Be Confusing, But the Principle Is Clear. ” October 2, 2012.

*Alexander R. Cohen, “ Vinnie Shrugs. ” September 21, 2012.

*Alexander R. Cohon, “ Cronyists Shut Business, Sunder Family, Put Teen Entrepreneur In Homeless Shelter. ” August 10, 2012.

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