A Sharia London is the story of the transformation of a mild-mannered, politically-correct man into a fearless crusader. Marlon Stone, a...
"'مات الملك ، ثم ماتت الملكة' ، هي قصة [وقائع] ، في حين أن 'الملك مات ، ثم ماتت الملكة من الحزن' ، هي مؤامرة. ...
Gorillas are social animals that live in groups to help them survive. Males protect females and the offspring of the group. In a group of up
Scams and rackets, hoaxes and frauds … are as old as humanity itself. The Federal Trade Commission estimates that over 25 million Americans
In 2011, the New York Times posed this question as a headline, “Can a novelist write philosophically?” drawing on the work...
The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn
في البيان الرومانسي: فلسفة الأدب ، الذي نشر في عام 1971 ، أوضحت آين راند إطارا بسيطا لتصنيف الفن.