Ayn Rand was that most delightful of philosophers—the philosopher who proposes large and interesting theories, and allows them to remain...
A few years ago, a colleague whose intelligence I respect invited me to attend a lecture he was going to give. "This will not be one of.....
Equality 7-2521, the hero of Anthem, is twenty-one years old when he escapes to freedom from a totalitarian state. The author of Anthem made
بعد ستة عقود من نشره ، لا يزال The Fountainhead على قيد الحياة. القراء الجدد بالمئات يجدونها كل يوم
ابتكر أرسطو نوعا من النظرية الأدبية التي تؤكد على السمات الموضوعية للنصوص والنوايا التأليفية التي تلك....