The entrepreneurial spirit is the spirit of enterprise: ambition to succeed, initiative in taking action, alertness to opportunity. It mean
The entrepreneurial spirit is the spirit of enterprise: ambition to succeed, initiative in taking action, alertness to opportunity. It mean
More than 200 years ago, Adam Smith determined that economic self-interest advanced the wider commercial good as if led by an invisible hand
اسمحوا لي أن أقول منذ البداية أنني أحب امتياز Star Trek. أنا لا أقضي وقت فراغي في تعلم التحدث بلغة Klingon - لا إهانة ...
What has prompted people, over the course of three millennia, to look upon work and commerce as degrading and deceitful? Why have they
Ayn Rand published her magnum opus, Atlas Shrugged in 1957. It's an enduringly popular novel -- all 1,168 pages of it -- with some 150,000
في إحدى الأمسيات بعد نشر The Fountainhead ، كانت آين راند على الهاتف ، تناقش خيبة أملها بشأن المبيعات المبكرة مع ....
Today, we live “in the future”—the future that for decades had been depicted in science fiction, pursued by scientists and engineers, and...
In 1859, the first treatise on “best practices” appeared: Self-Help, With Illustrations of Character, Conduct, and Perseverance, by Samuel..
When I was a kid, I loved school and I loved to learn. I looked forward to it everyday. But I was frustrated by the many kids around me who.
قبل أربعين عاما بالضبط ، في هذا الشهر ، كنت أفكر في الحطام الممزق لمسيرتي الجامعية. وكان الكتاب مسؤولا.
Since early men ignited the first fires in caves, the unleashing of energy for light, heat, cooking and every human need has been the....
اسمحوا لي أن أذكر حالتي مقدما: أعتقد أن أفلام الإثارة هي أكثر وسائل الإثارة تأثيرا وفعالية اليوم لنقل القيم ..
On August 5, 2006, Reuters published a photograph of smoke rising over Beirut from buildings hit by Israeli bombs. It was one of many
In 2005, at Minnesota’s St. Olaf College, the stirring peroration of that year’s commencement address advised the graduating seniors to
Last year, on November 16 (the anniversary of the Federal Reserve System, ironically), Milton Friedman died at the age of ninety-four. The..
It's official: Angelina Jolie is set to star in the film adaptation of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. David Kelley, Founder and Senior Fellow of
كان ذلك مساء يوم 13 مايو 2004 ، وفي برنامج تشارلي روز على قناة PBS-TV ، كان المضيف يتحدث مع الممثل براد بيت حول تروي ...
لكن بالنسبة للدروس المتقدمة في هذه السياسة الجبانة ، والتي أسميها هنا "الاستسلام الاستباقي" ، أوجه "الصحفيين" الأمريكيين للدراسة ...
After each new suicide attack, as innocent blood flows in the streets of Baghdad, London, Madrid, or Tel Aviv, there is a surge of
Eliot Spitzer became the attorney general of New York in 1999. In addition to carrying out the routine functions of that office, he has used