وطنFiction by Ayn Randتعليمجامعة أطلس
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Fiction by Ayn Rand

Fiction by Ayn Rand

3 دقائق
يونيو 10, 2010

آين راند.

اسمها هو نوع من اختبار عباد الشمس النفسي. إنه يثير حتما ردود فعل عنيفة إما من الإعجاب الشديد أو التنديد الغاضب. لكن الحياد يبدو مستحيلا.

Both as a thinker and as an artist, Ayn Rand stormed against the tide. As a philosopher, she was an uncompromising champion of reason, individualism and pure capitalism. As a novelist, she was an impassioned Romantic. In both capacities, she was startling, original, unprecedented.

وقالت إن الهدف من كتاباتها لم يكن التقاط "شريحة من الحياة" ، ولكن إبراز رؤيتها الأخلاقية للإنسان "كما قد يكون ويجب أن يكون".

And so the protagonists of her bestsellers ( We The Living , Anthem, The Fountainhead , and Atlas Shrugged ) are heroic, Promethean individualists-embattled titans in a world of envious Lilliputians.

ورفضت فكرة أن الرواية "الجادة" يجب أن تكون مملة ، فقد قامت بتمثيل موضوعاتها الفلسفية في مؤامرات معقدة مليئة بالألوان والرومانسية والمغامرة والعظمة.

قد يحب المرء أو يكره قصصها. لا يمكن للمرء أن ينساهم بسهولة.

Explore the links below to learn more about this fascinating author's fictional work.


  • Atlas Shrugged (1957)
  • The Fountainhead (1943)
  • Anthem (1938)
  • We the Living (1936)


  • The Husband I Bought (1926)
  • Good Copy (c.a. 1927)
  • Escort (1929)
  • Her Second Career (1929)

These early short stories were not intended for publication, but were written while Ayn Rand was still learning her literary craft and gaining familiarity with the English language. They have considerable charm, however, and contain the seeds of ideas and values that would characterize her mature work.

These stories and others are anthologized in The Early Ayn Rand.

  • The Simplest Thing in the World (1940)

This short story, which shows how an artist’s values affect his creative processes, appears in Ayn Rand’s nonfiction work, The Romantic Manifesto: A Philosophy of Literature

About the author:
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