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Conformity Colleges: The Atlas Society Asks David Barnhizer

March 6, 2024
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 195th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. This week, she interviews David Barnhizer, author of the book "Conformity Colleges: The Destruction of Intellectual Creativity and Dissent in America's Universities." Don't miss as the duo explore how intense and aggressive political strategists and self-styled "revolutionaries" are using the apparatus of American educational institutions to indoctrinate a new generation of activists.

Ask Me Anything About Philosophy with Stephen Hicks - March 2024

March 6, 2024
Join Atlas Society Senior Scholar and Professor of Philosophy at Rockford, Stephen Hicks, Ph.D. where he takes philosophical questions relation to postmodernism, fascism, money, free speech, and more.

Is the ‘Naturalistic Fallacy’ a Fallacy? The Case of Economics with Hicks & Salsman

February 28, 2024
“For centuries, the ‘is-ought’ (or ‘fact-value’) dichotomy has been a perennial issue in philosophy (see Hume) and remains so today. Those who reject it and contend that morality can (and should!) be objective and fact-based are accused of committing ‘the naturalistic fallacy.’ In economics, the is-ought dichotomy takes the form of a supposed conflict between ‘positive’ and ‘normative’ economics. Even pro-capitalist Austrian economists say economics isn’t science unless it is ‘value-free.’ Is this valid? Is the argument about the ‘naturalistic fallacy’ itself fallacious? If the good isn’t to be grounded in nature (including human nature), then what or whence? Only the supernatural?”

Capitalism, For & Against: A University Seminar

February 27, 2024
“For the past five years at Duke University, I’ve conducted a popular seminar which assesses both the pros and cons of capitalism. In this session, I recount the seminar’s origins, share the syllabus, review the readings, and convey some student reactions. My introduction reads: ‘Capitalism is a formidable and durable social system worthy of scientific, objective study. Only three centuries old, it has both proponents and opponents, each wielding strong and weak arguments. In this seminar, we investigate, analyze, and debate the nature of capitalism and assess the validity (or not) of various pro-con claims.’”

Ask Me Anything with Richard Salsman - February 2024

February 22, 2024
Join Atlas Society Senior Scholar and Professor of Political Economy at Duke, Richard Salsman, Ph.D., for a special “Ask Me Anything” where he takes questions on immigration, foreign policy, government affairs, taxation, and more.

Men on Strike: The Atlas Society Asks Dr. Helen Smith

February 21, 2024
Join Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 193rd episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews Dr. Helen Smith about her 2014 book "Men on Strike: Why Men are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream - and Why it Matters."

The Atlas Society Asks Jennifer Burns

February 14, 2024
Jennifer Burns is an Associate Professor of History and research fellow at the Hoover Institution. As a leading independent expert on Ayn Rand and the American conservative movement, she is the author of the biography Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right. Burns joins Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman to discuss her perspective on Ayn Rand along with her latest biography Milton Friedman: The Last Conservative, which traces Milton Friedman’s life and his key role in popularizing a new monetary and free market approach to economics and transforming American conservatism.

“The One Big Thing You’re Getting Wrong About Consciousness” with Robert Tracinski

February 14, 2024
Join Atlas Society Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a discussion on consciousness and how different philosophers have attempted to explain man's perception and understanding of the world around him.

Out of the Melting Pot, Into the Fire: The Atlas Society Asks Jens Heycke

February 7, 2024
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 191st episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews research, writer, and competitive cyclist Jens Heyckle about his book "Out of the Melting Pot, Into the Fire: Multiculturalism in the World's Past and America's Future," the origin of the terms “melting pot” and multiculturalism, along with surveys of multiethnic societies in history.

“Whites Did Not End Slavery” with Stephen Hicks

February 7, 2024
Join Atlas Society Senior Scholar and Professor of Philosophy at Rockford, Stephen Hicks, Ph.D., for a Spaces on Twitter/X where Dr. Hicks discussed why racialist language is wrong historically and philosophically.

American Refugees: The Atlas Society Asks Roger L. Simon

January 31, 2024
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 190th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews Academy Award-nominated screenwriter Roger L. Simon to talk about his latest book "American Refugees: The Untold Story of the Mass Exodus from Blue States to Red States" and how a culture clash precipitated a great blue state exodus, and what this means for the rest of America.

The Atlas Society Asks Bobbie Anne Cox

January 25, 2024
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 189th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews Attorney Bobbie Anne Flower Cox and her efforts at the heart of a historic challenge to New York Governor Kathy Hochul's unconstitutional "Isolation and Quarantine Procedures" regulation. Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox is a New York civil rights attorney who recently won a historic lawsuit against New York Governor Kathy Hochul and the NYS Department of Health, striking down their unconstitutional “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures” regulation—and now battles the state’s appeal. With 25 years of practicing law, Cox writes for her Knowledge is Power Substack and as a Fellow at the Brownstone Institute.

“Objectivism and Objective Law” with Robert Tracinski

January 24, 2024
Join Atlas Society Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a Twitter/X Spaces discussion on the Objectivist principle of “objective law,” and why it is so important. "The 'rule of law' is considered a basic principle of a civilized society. How does this relate to the Objectivist principle of "objective law," and why is objective law so important?"

Hidden Genius: The Atlas Society Asks Polina Pompliano

January 18, 2024
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 188th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews Polina Pompliano about her new book "Hidden Genius: The Secret Ways of Thinking That Power The World's Most Successful People." Founder of The Profile, Polina shares some simple, actionable habits that have helped some of the most recognizable people in the world achieve their success. Polina Marinova Pompliano is the founder of The Profile, a media organization that studies successful people and companies in business, tech, sports, and entertainment. Previously, she spent five years at Fortune, where she wrote more than 1,300 articles interviewing some of the most influential dealmakers, including Melinda Gates, Steve Case, and Chamath Palihapitiya.

The Significance of Rich Alumni Defunding Their Alma Maters with Richard Salsman

January 18, 2024
Join Atlas Society Senior Scholar and Professor of Political Economy at Duke Richard Salsman, Ph.D., for a Twitter/X Spaces discussion on the phenomenon of wealthy alums defunding their alma maters and the related resignations of the presidents of Harvard and UPenn.

American Racism: The Atlas Society Asks Andrew Bernstein

January 10, 2024
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 187th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews returning guest Andrew Bernstein about his two latest books: his novel "Reckoning" and his non-fiction "American Racism: Its Decline, Its Baleful Resurgence, and Our Looming Race War." A lifelong Objectivist and prolific writer and speaker, Bernstein taught philosophy for many years at Marist College. Previously, Bernstein joined The Atlas Society Asks to discuss his book Why Johnny Still Can’t Read or Write or Understand Math: And What We Can Do About It. Today, he joins us to discuss the cultural currents feeding the new tidal wave of antisemitism—and how it can be properly understood within the rise of victim-based identity politics.

The Atlas Society Asks Liel Leibovitz

January 3, 2024
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 186th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews editor-at-large for Tablet Magazine, Liel Leibovitz about the current surge of antisemitism on college campuses and elsewhere. Liel Leibovitz is editor-at-large for Tablet Magazine where he hosts its weekly culture podcast Unorthodox and daily Talmud podcast Take One. He is the editor of the book Zionism: The Tablet Guide and the author of several books, including The Chosen Peoples, A Broken Hallelujah, and How the Talmud Can Change Your Life.

Christians, Humanists, and Who Ended Slavery with Stephen Hicks

January 3, 2024
Christians and Humanists both deserve credit for the dramatic reduction of slavery in the modern world. Yet much controversy exists over who should get the lion’s share of the credit. In this session, Atlas Society Senior Scholar and Professor of Philosophy at Rockford University, Stephen Hicks, Ph.D., takes up the moral and historical arguments.

The Atlas Society Asks Dr. Robert Malone

December 27, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 185th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews the "father of mRNA vaccines," Dr. Robert Malone about his book "Lies My Gov't Told Me," his early work on mRNA vaccines, and inspiration drawn from Ayn Rand.

The Canceling of the American Mind: The Atlas Society Asks Greg Lukianoff

December 21, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 184th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews returning guest Greg Lukianoff about his latest book "The Canceling of the American Mind." An early guest on The Atlas Society Asks to discuss his book The Coddling of the American Mind, Greg Lukianoff returns to talk about his timely sequel, The Canceling of the American Mind, which explores what cancel culture is, and how we can beat back this threat to democracy through better citizenship. Greg is the President and CEO of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), an organization dedicated to fighting for free speech on college campuses.

Antisemitism, Anti-Capitalism, and Assaults on Israel with Richard Salsman

December 21, 2023
Join Atlas Society and Professor of Political Economy at Duke, Richard Salsman, Ph.D. for a Spaces discussion on the recent trend of antisemitism and anti-capitalism and how it ties into the latest Israel-Hamas war.

Nous promouvons un objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.