العلوم والتكنولوجيا

العلوم والتكنولوجيا

Book Review: A Mighty Fountain

What do we know about what makes creative genius possible? Can we say anything new about the awesome creative ability of an Aristotle...

29 مارس 2011
والتر دونواي
10 دقائق
How Emerging Technologies Allow Anyone to Create His Own Culture

Through television, newspapers, radio, and advertising, the mass culture of the twentieth century created easily understandable points of..

24 مارس 2011
إدوارد ب. دريسكول الابن
10 دقائق
Ziad Abdelnour in the news

September 2007 -- The May/June 2007 issue of Technology Review (MIT’s showcase of student, faculty, and alumni genius) is called “The Design

24 مارس 2011
Lou Villadsen
10 دقائق
Strike from Space: Seizing the Ultimate High Ground

July/August 2007 -- In 1989, a solar flare helped trigger the shutdown of a good portion of eastern Canada’s electrical grid. In May 1998

18 مارس 2011
Taylor Dinerman
8 دقائق
مقابلة TNI مع مايكل شيرمر

17 مارس 2011
إدوارد هادجينز
10 دقائق
America's Pioneer Spirit: Government vs. New Frontiers

In his novel 2001: A Space Odyssey, written in tandem with the script for the epic movie of the same name, Arthur....

Feb 10, 2011
إدوارد هادجينز
9 دقائق
استعراض "بيوشوك"

I am Andrew Ryan, and I’m here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat ..

28 يناير 2011
باتريك ستيفنز
10 دقائق
James D. Watson: Another Gadfly Swatted

The last chapter of James Watson’s story began as he was preparing to launch a book tour through Britain to promote his latest and...

28 يناير 2011
8 دقائق
الإرادة الحرة والحتمية

إن إرادتنا الحرة أمر بديهي. لقد اخترت كتابة هذا السؤال. في الواقع ، الأهم من ذلك ، اخترت التفكير في الأمر. هذا يكون

25 يناير 2011
2 دقيقة
The Embattled Life of Moreau de Maupertuis

Those who love the Enlightenment spirit are sometimes tempted to believe that it engendered fraternity among the age's disciples. And to an

Oct 22, 2010
9 دقائق
The Math Wars

May 2001 -- When I was a boy in school, my father told me, often, that mathematics was the most important subject. "And the thing in

Oct 19, 2010
ديفيد روس
10 دقائق
التنقل التلقائي والحرية

A century and a half ago, the legal scholar Sir Henry Maine observed that the evolution of human society was a movement from a society of...

18 اكتوبر 2010
سام كازمان
10 دقائق
ما مدى فردية الطبيعة البشرية؟

You’re right to point out the contrast I make between capitalism and morality.” So said New York Times columnist John Tierney in response...

8 سبتمبر 2010
8 دقائق
What Shall We Do With a Bumptious Sailor?

Venter is the biochemist (and daredevil yachtsman) who directed a small corporate rival of the official U.S.-U.K. genome-sequencing team and

7 سبتمبر 2010
10 دقائق
The Wright Stuff

December 2003 -- Somewhere you've probably seen the old photos. The two men are wearing bowler hats and sack suits and celluloid collars

29 أغسطس 2010
Ralph Kinney Bennett
5 دقائق
The Future of Cancer Research

According to the American Cancer Society, an expected 1.5 million new cancer cases will be diagnosed in the U.S. this year, and around

Aug 25, 2010
كيرا نيومان
5 دقائق
أفضل أبدا؟

I would like to start by asking you all to secure yourselves in your seats. If you have any pointy objects, make sure they are facing away

Aug 22, 2010
سام كازمان
10 دقائق
The Victorian Atlas

January, 2004 -- Inventors are of two sorts. The first says: "Here is a principle. How can it be used?" The second says: "Here is a problem

Aug 12, 2010
3 دقائق
اختلافات السايبورغ

The piano prelude begins insistently, with a loud, rhythmic figure repeated immediately at a lower register. The music winds up and down

Jul 1, 2010
كيرا نيومان
9 دقائق
هل ستيفن هوكينج خائف من الأجانب؟

30 أبريل 2010 -- ستيفن هوكينغ يوجه تحذيرا للبشرية. بادئ ذي بدء ، يعتقد الفيزيائي النظري الشهير أن هناك

5 مايو 2010
برادلي دوسيت
5 دقائق

نحن نشجع الموضوعية المفتوحة: فلسفة العقل والإنجاز والفردية والحرية.